Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Come on baby, stick me one more time

Luke's seriousness about trading plasma for lute continues. He got called out on a camper (they go out to the field for days) the other day after his 14 hour shift. He is the only one that can drive the camper so he got stuck going out after being awake for 23 hrs. Anyhoo, he got home at 6 this morning and I was so happy he made it back but felt bad cause I knew he was totally beat after getting maybe 4 hours of sleep in two days. So I woke up, went to work, came home and little lukeypoo was still zonked out. I had decided that he must have been super tired and way past his bed time since his uniform was sprawled out on the floor and his coolers had not been unpacked (Luke is always very tighty and never leaves any task undone, I am a very lucky wife) so I had decided not to wake him. About an hour after I got home he woke up and told me the events of his trip, I was showering him with sympathy only to find out that he stopped on his way home from work at 6am to yes....stick his vein and suck liquid money out. The best part is that they told him that he was a day early and to bring his anxious tooshie back tomorrow! LOL, I have been giggling about it all day long =)

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