Thursday, November 6, 2008

Holy Wind.

People were not kidding when they warned us of the wind in Cheyenne. I feel like we have been stuck in a tornado for the last 24 hours. I woke up at 3:33 am to this horrible sound, like thunder or a plane crashing in our back yard and could not fall back asleep. Come to find out that it is only wind. Who the heck knew that wind could be so violent. Since I had another interview this am I definitely needed some zzzz's so I found my custom fit ear plugs (thanks to RJ's) and curled up on the couch. That was not the end of it, I could still hear the wind and my ear plugs kick @$$ so I had to turn on the TV to help drown it out. This is some serious wind out here people so be prepared if you ever decide to come visit us. Hopefully I do not wake up at 3:33 tomorrow morning with a car or something planted in my living room!

1 comment:

The Quinn Report said...

Have you heard about the job yet? I can't wait to hear more and I just know you're going to get it!