Sunday, April 27, 2008

What the...?

Wednesday was a beautiful spring day here in Fairbanks, people were in shorts and sandals, families were going for walks, and just about all of the snow was gone!!!

Then Saturday morning came.........
I know all you Minnesotans have been dealing with some of the same ----. Does it make you as grumpy as it has made me? I just can not deal with the games anymore, winter or spring make up your MIND! The roads here in the winter are usually caked with snow and that's just how the winter driving is but this hot and cold weather reminds me of driving back home on the unpredictable slushy/icy roads, last night was one of those nights and we drove up on an accident on a bridge, roads looked fine but they were way slick. The car was mangled but I think everyone was ok.

Sorry the blog has been lame lately and I apologize. We finally got a new camera that is small enough to take anywhere so I am guessing that we will have more photo-ops of us and not just of scenery. So stay tuned!

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