Monday, October 27, 2008

One of those days....

Yesterday was one of those lazy Sundays. I kid you not I was in my pj's ALL DAY. I feel a bit guilty but it is just getting sooo cold here. I know it is not as cold as Alaska (-2 reported by my friend Sarah who still lives there) but this Cheyenne wind just sucks. Maybe the sour attitude is because I just left that wonderful little paradise the Dahlman's have in Arizona but I have made the decision that if we do not have to, there is no way that I can live in this town much longer. Fairbanks was a cool small town, Cheyenne is just...well...a windy, cold, small town. It probably helps that we had awesome friends up there and none here. So back to my lazy pj day, I did not even get out of my pj's to go to the grocery store and to get new tires on my car. That's right, I just slipped on clothes over my warm cozy pajamas. That is one thing that I do appreciate about AK now is that if I were up there I would not have even had to hide the fact that I was wearing my pajamas at 3 in the afternoon. It is just an understanding that everyone had up there....if it is balls cold you just do what you got to do.

Resume update: I have sent my resume out to quite a few places in Minnesota and have received one call so far for an interview, they want to meet with me sometime in the next month or so. Other than that....nothing. Not the best time to be thinking about getting out of the military and finding a job. In addition to Minnesota I am going to send it out to Arizona, Colorado (we totally love Fort Collins) and see what is available around here. Still thinking about going back to school for my teaching certificate. So cross your fingers and say your prayers that hopefully we will figure out what we are supposed to be doing and where we are supposed to be going!

1 comment:

The Quinn Report said...

I LOVE days where you NEVER get out of your pj's! I'm thinking I'll have many of those in the near future with Tavin arriving shortly!

Good luck on the job thing and keep me posted!